
Silvertone Sessions...

We just added a link to on our Links page for all of you interested in buying a copy of our "old" CD, Silvertone Sessions! Enjoy Also... news for the big benefit we're planning will be coming very…

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Tragic News...

Our producer Scott Stalone lost his studio "Found Sound" to a flood last night in Manayunk. You might have caught him on the 10pm news tonight. Anyway the water came up to about 5', destroying most of his equipment and…

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Request Better Days on XPN!!

Better Days has been Helen Leicht's Pick of the Day 3 times in as many months... and we want more! Please visit and request it!! Thanks!!


Brand New website

Thanks for all of your feedback about the old site. We are beta testing this new site design program for Hostbaby. Let us know what you think!!